I've been thinking about writing this for a while, since it's been a few days since I had a birthday, I just never seem to get the time or energy to do it.
Typically, I'd skip commenting about this day since, unlike most people I know, it's not my favorite day of the year at all. I have to put up with a whole month of astrological hell before it, and then when it supposedly finally comes to an end, I get one year older.
My lack of enthusiasm over my birthday is actually problematic to the point that I sometimes fail to acknowledge that this might actually be a special day for other people, but I try really hard not to forget that.
This year, nevertheless, my birthday was surprisingly pleasant. Truth be told, I haven't celebrated my birthday properly in over a decade, and apart from the Sweden fiasco 4 or 5 years ago, birthdays have usually been a date to forget.
I guess because I have always been traveling and never really settling down, I never get to spend birthdays with who I really wanted to be... or I don't know. Facts: I haven't spent a birthday with my dad and brother in 11 years, with my mom in about 9 years, with my sis in 6 years... as closest friends go... I don't even wanna go there, since they're all spread in different parts of Europe, Japan and Brazil.
But I've been living in California for 3 years now and I guess I kinda adopted my own family here... 2, actually. They're people I care about and who care about me. I got to have 2 birthday dinners with my 2 families - and with my babies, and they were delicious meals as well.
Then there's boyfriend. I could clearly see he was making an effort to make that day a special day for me (I admit to have taken some advantage of that), and I really haven't felt this in a very long time... so instead of being a dreadful day, I cherished it to the fullest... boyfriend spoiling me, international phone calls, sms, e-mails, msgs on social networks... I guess I thought of my birthday as too much of an ordinary date, but this year, it was an extraordinary day :)